Messen für das Handwerk. Termine der Messen für Fachbesucher für die nächsten 2 Jahre. Informationen direkt auf den Webseiten der Messen oder Veranstalter. Direkt-Links finden zu den Messen Sie hier.
Finnish Craft & Design Fair is evolving: changes in arrangements and content - From 16 to 18 November 2018, Tampere will once again host the Finnish Craft & Design Fair with numerous visible changes in the arrangements. There will be changes in the layout, restaurant and café services, traffic arrangements, opening hours and programme. This year the fair will not be accompanied by other events, so the weekend will be all about crafts and design. The themes for this year's fair are children and young people, traditions and the circular economy. At the opening ceremony on 16 November, the Taito-Finlandia winner, Artisan of the Year and New Product of the Year will be announced and the theme speech will be given by Minister of Education Sanni Grahn-Laasonen. The fair will be hosted by journalist and host Ella Kanninen. Last year the Finnish Craft & Design Fair, Dolls' House Fair and Railway Modelling Event were held at the same time and there were a total of 750 exhibitors and a record-breaking 49,331 visitors.
12. Januar 2016.- Das A und O für jede Führungskraft: Nur wer die Arbeit vernünftig verteilt, kann selbst effizient arbeiten.